Wednesday, June 1, 2011

So, here it goes...

Yes, of course I know it is 2011... but like I have often said,"I may not be good but I'm slow."
I suppose you'll wanna know just who I think I am. I live in a cold, damp, usually dreary town on the Mendocino Coast in California and have resided here for... hmm... almost 40 years. Man, time flies when you're freezing your ass off and can't stand up in the mornings due to the moisture. Having lived here for that long you would think it would feel like home, and while I do have many good friends here, a decent job and a house, I still (usually) feel like a stranger. All through school I felt like "the new kid", I suppose because the existing families around had been here for generations and not many go out of their way to make new comers feel welcome. I am not really complaining, just observing. I guess most everyone fears change so...
I have been a Drummer/Vocalist in numerous rock bands in the area. Some really good, too good even, but most never really amounted to much. And, as one gets older, it is definitely harder to get together and make music. At this point I just kinda close my eyes and picture us playing in front of a large crowd in some big venue... illusions of grandeur and what not.
I love fishing and boating. My wife and I enjoy camping (at Lake Mendocino) when it warms up inland. We have, however, decided to limit camping trips to a couple of nights instead of the back crushing, dust sucking 5, 6 or 7 night excursions. We also enjoy Tahoe immensely but we try to find a cabin or vacation home... not camp. The lake is probably the most beautiful in the world and there are so many wonderful things to do; fishing, poker, good food, poker, hiking, biking and poker just to name a few.
"Sounds like you like poker" you say. Well yes I do. I am in no way a professional but I do enjoy the thinking, plotting, hiding aspects of the game. I really enjoy No Limit Hold 'Em at this point but I grew up playing 5 Card Draw and Stud Poker. We used to have a game almost every weekend when I was about 14 or 15. I have done fairly well playing in Tahoe, Reno and Vegas but like I mentioned I have a decent job... so I haven't done good enough. But, we are going to Tahoe soon so...
Well, I have no idea when I will do this again but I hope to stay in touch with family and friends far better than I have... actually I never have. It always seems that life gets in the way and life for the past 20 years or so has been pretty darned busy. I will do my best and have a mountain of stories, jokes, catching up to do... and then, of course, I have 2 mountains of opinions!